Jason Smith
Lead Pastor
After pastoring Haworth First assembly for 9 years, Jason and Shawna accepted the lead pastor of Stigler First Assembly in 2015. They have 2 children Christian (15) and Stella (9)
Ty Horstman
Associate Pastor/Youth Pastor
Ty & Kristin came on staff at SFA in 2018 after serving on staff in Hartshorne for 3 years. They have passion for the students of Haskell County and are committed to reaching them with the love of Christ.

Caitlyn Garner
Children's Pastor
Pastor Caitlyn became children's pastor @ SFA in 2018, however she is a lifelong member of the church and has always had a tremendous heart for kids. Caitlyn has a tremendous testimony of the healing power of Jesus after defeating a battle with Leukemia at a very young age. She is committed to the children not only of Stigler First Assembly, but of Haskell County as well.

Jeff Oaks
Church Admin/Missions Director
Bro Jeff Oaks became the church administrator in 2015 and does an excellent job helping with the day in and day out operations of the church. Jeff also has a tremendous heart for both home and foreign missions. Jeff serves on the board of directors for Mauldin Ministries, helping oversee a major mission project to India.

Brett Guthrie
Worship Pastor
Brett Guthrie has grown up in SFA and has served in many different capacities over the past several years. Currently he serves on the deacon board of SFA, as well as the Worship Pastor.

Jeremy Vails
Media Pastor
Jeremy (AKA the selfie king) has served as SFA's media pastor over the past 5 years. He has a passion to help take worship and the gospel and transform it into something that people can connect with. Jeremy serves in many different areas within the church, but media is his passion.